Saturday 3 September 2011

Frog and I on the wall

it was thrown. stuck on the fence. fluid evacuation smudged. it was near my mouth. its eyes were big. it moved towards my nostrils. the palpitation showed its fear. it's still alive. death in its mind. it was living its death. it searched for its prey. my face was new to its view. before dying it wanted to have its last meal. its tongue came out to touch my eye ball. it suddenly leaped a bit. it tasted my ear. it blinked deeply. its sticky legs caressed my cheek. it crept across my face. it could not name me. i was alien in its menu. it could not leave me. it wanted to explore me. but it always had the odds against it. i had no movement like this creature. i remained in this place beyond memory. in this upright position forever. the croaker had no clue to swallow me. it tried to grapple my neck. it slipped on to the ground. i would wait for the last glory.

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